Whoopee! Never mind Trump v The World. We are now going to have May v Corbyn, Farron, and Sturgeon, etc in the UK! Yet more aggression.

That means that “the people” must try to evaluate all the vote-seeking promises in the parties’ manifestos, which will assure them, categorically, that they are now going to do all the things they haven’t done before.

But, if they do have policies, why does it take so long to issue manifestos?

However, I’ve watched them all “at it” during PMQs and debates, every week. I study the media and I don’t do “excited”.

So, I already know what their so-called “policies” are (they never really change), and how I shall vote!

Indeed, I would expect that most people already know, because, like me, they too live in the UK 24/7/365, and not just during political parties’ “Grand Election Sales Campaigns”.

The media will have a great time complicating everything, of course!

Guaranteed subjects will be the NHS, education, defence, welfare, infrastructure, environment, etc, all of which have been classed the “most important” at some time.

And parties will imply that they are going to spend yet “more” money on them, regardless of our national debt!

Except the present government, of course, which considers they are already adequately funded.

Did you know that the £1.7tn national debt equates to some £26,150 for every man, woman, and child of the UK’s population of 65m? Of which only 28.9m are working. Imagine that on your credit card, or payday loan?

So, Mr Corbyn must be right, we are hard-up – even “broke”! Yet, he wants to give free meals to all our overweight schoolchildren, while they play games on their mobile phones. And our local “Chippy”, at lunchtimes, is full of them consuming chip butties and fizzy pop.

“Experts” appeared from everywhere, “just like that”. Their analysis of the parties and their leaders, and biased opinions on which or who could win or lose, and why, were intriguing. But no-one has yet promised to eat their hat. Cowards!

Opposition MPs complain that Mrs May is taking advantage of a “situation”; overlooking that, like them, she is “primarily” a politician! So, if she benefits … c’est la vie! (Or words to that effect.)

Everyone who has a vote, should use it; because it’s your one chance to have some say. But remember, everyone seeking your vote will be a politician, so, make sure it’s for what YOU want and not them!

Ron Martin

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