Members of the public who stepped up to help an injured elderly woman have been praised.

She had fallen over on a path on Carleton Road in Penrith, at about 7pm on Sunday night.

Police community support officer Mark Robson was passing and stopped to help her.

The woman had a superficial cut on her face, and members of the public had wrapped her in their jackets to keep her warm.

They had also called an ambulance and the woman's son.

After getting a first aid kit from his van, the officer, with the help of the public, placed two foil blankets over the lady.

The officer was also helped as he applied pressure onto the cut to prevent further bleeding.

The wound was then bandaged by the PCSO.

When the ambulance arrived, the woman was lifted onto a stretcher and placed into the ambulance.

At the same time, her son arrived and accompanied her to Penrith Hospital.

PCSO Robson later took to Twitter to praise the help of the public.

He tweeted: "PCSO 5398 Robson would like to thank the members of the public who went above and beyond to help an injured elderly lady on Carleton Road last night."

He told The Cumberland News : "The reason I sent the tweet was that I wanted to send a thank you to the members of the public who stopped to help the woman, who had fallen over and was lying on a path in Penrith."